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Quality & Safety Indicators

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Ensuring patient safety is a fundamental element of high quality healthcare. At Niagara Health, providing safe, quality healthcare to our patients is not only a top priority, but a value that we uphold every day.

Quality & Safety Indicators at Niagara Health

The safety of our patients is associated with and linked to every healthcare priority and every activity we do. We are continually working to improve our care and implement innovative safety initiatives each year.

Niagara Health has been publicly reporting for several years on a number of key indicators or criteria that measure our performance.

As part of our ongoing patient safety and quality program we continuously track and monitor our performance which helps to identify areas of strength and areas that could benefit from improvements. As part of our review process, we use a number of benchmarks and evidence-based patient safety indicators that assist us in measuring the quality and safety of the care we provide. Some of these indicators are established and reported provincially and publicly while others are developed internally and used by specific programs or departments to initiate changes that will result in improvements.

These indicators are all standardized provincially and/or nationally as defined by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Canadian Institute for Health Information and Accreditation Canada.

In addition to reporting on Hospital Standardized Mortality Rates, this section profiles Infection Control rates (C. difficile, VRE, MRSA), Patient Satisfaction ratings from the most recent provincial Hospital Report Card and Wait Times (ER, surgeries, MRI, CT, etc).

The Health Quality Ontario has collected similar data from hospitals across Ontario. This information is available at Health Quality Ontario.

Niagara Health