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Be at the centre of your care with Niagara Health Navigator

Posted Oct 9th, 2019

Niagara Health NavigatorNiagara Health’s launch this week of the Niagara Health Navigator digital platform is a significant step in revolutionizing the way patients connect to healthcare information and their care providers.

Niagara Health is asking community members to download the app for free from the App Store or Google Play and provide their feedback on the content. This feedback will help to inform the next release of Niagara Health Navigator and make sure it is as user friendly and effective as it can be based on our users’ needs.

"Using mobile technology to its fullest potential is a game-changer for healthcare," says Angela Zangari, Interim President at Niagara Health. "Niagara Health Navigator’s impact on our patients’ experiences will put Niagara Health at the cutting edge of a connected healthcare system. We appreciate our community’s feedback which will help us to improve the patient experience."

"Niagara Health Navigator provides us with a unique opportunity to support patients and families to more easily access their health information, navigate the healthcare system and connect with their team of providers," says Sime Pavlovic, Niagara Health’s Chief Information Officer. "The Navigator will do all of this and more, and it will be easily accessible on mobile devices using a single sign-on, while maintaining the highest security and privacy standards."

The first release features the following apps:

  • NH Newsfeed
  • Wait Times (Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centres)
  • Rate Your NH Experience
  • Thank NH Staff
  • Express a Concern
  • NH Twitter Feed
  • Sites and Services
  • App Support and Feedback

Future releases of Niagara Health Navigator will provide users with real-time access to their health information directly on their smartphone or tablet. Some of these features could include appointment notifications, checking test results and connecting patients with their providers.

Thank you to our industry partners IDENTOS Inc. and nCipher for helping bring Niagara Health Navigator to life.

Need help downloading the app or it’s not working properly?

Email or call the Resource Centre at 905-378-4647.

You can also get instructions on how to downlaod the app here

Niagara Health System